2. Aesthetics of city life: The happiness of individuals and families cannot be separated from urban culture and scenery. Bangkok had been a beautiful city in the past. The name “ Venice of the East” given to the old Bangkok is still in the fond memory of many long-time residents. To restore the city to its old glory would give Bangkokians a sense of pride.
3. Management of the urban environment: This is related to the city’s aesthetics. It deals with the cleanliness and orderliness, and healthfulness of the city. It involves proper management of waste and pollution of all kinds, conservation of valuable natural resources, creation of more public parks and open green space, and so on.
4. Management of the urban geography and city life: This deals with the physical planning of the city to increase interaction among residents and make life less impersonal. Proper planning would create many centers of city life to lesson the effect of population density and cut down on travelling by motor vehicles to “create time” for other more intellectually-stimulating and socially beneficial activities.